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We, the students, academic and non-academic personnel and alumni of Collegio de San Juan de Letran - MAnaoag (former Our Lady of Manaoag College) strive to become a Christian community who looks at Mary as our Mother and Model and, molded with her virtues and the hunger forTruth, serves God

and the Church and helps the country to grow towards peace, progress and prosperity.




Thus, we are committed to propagate the Gospel values based on a Christian formation that is authentically Catholic, distinctly Filipino, truly Dominican and characterized by a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother. Likewise, we are committed to develop ourselves into God-fearing, patriotic, community-oriented and nature loving individuals, with a solid background in science and technology balanced by a sufficient exposure to the arts and humanities.

Courses Offered at Collegio de San Juan de Letran-Manaoag: 


Pre-School, Grade School, High School and College

Degree Programs


Bachelor of Elementary Education

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in: English



     Religious Education

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in: Operations Management

     Financial Management

     Human Resources Dev't Management

     Marketing Management

TESDA Courses

Programming NC-IV

Computer Hardware Servicing NC-II

NC-II TESDA Examination Passers

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